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What The Kenyan Government Is Doing to Achieve Vision 2030.


Date Posted: 5/9/2012 12:17:21 PM

Posted By: John Odhiambo  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2730

Kenya has seen the need for developing its sectors and various departments of its structures. In this regard, it was seen to be good to establish with an economic growth outline, the vision 2030, which aims at making Kenya a better place socially, politically and in terms of governance to ensure a reality to this dream. It therefore puts in place various strategies to be fulfilled which run across all this structures to ensure it achieves the vision 2030. This new development blueprint aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle -income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens and being environment friendly. The following strategies have therefore been put in place in the different sectors of the economy.

(a) Education and Training
Kenya aims at providing globally competitive and quality education, training and research. This will be achieved through education Act which empowers the minister of education to promote education in Kenya and the progressive development of the institutions devoted to the promotion of the education, and to secure the effective co-operation, under his general direction or control of all public bodies concerned with education in carrying out the national policy for education.
The government has developed a policy for polytechnics and vocational training centre’s which aims to mainstream youth polytechnics into a national education and training framework and reposition them to take a leading role n the development of youth for employment and life-long learning

in the tertiary education sector.
There are education and literacy programs that target the youth in slums and is being replicated in other parts of the country to reach the majority of youths who drop out of school. The government needs to establish systems to ensure the recognition, validation and accreditation of informal learning for youth people.
The government facilitates the availability of the university education through the Higher Education Loans Board and the reduction of the entry cut off points, increasing the of universities through upgrading colleges into public universities and increasing the number of the polytechnics.
The government of Kenya has established institutions for those with Special needs and also facilitated the inclusion of those with special needs within mainstream school and the wider community. This project focuses on the policies influencing teachers training as well as building capacity of parents and local community groups to lobby for educational policy change for the betterment of all children.

Vision 2030 aims at provision of the efficient integrated and high quality and affordable health care system. With the help of the private sector, Kenya aims to become the regional provider of the highly specialized healthcare thus opening Kenya to Health Tourism. This will be done through a two-pronged approach;
i)devolution of funds and management of the healthcare to the communities and the district medical officers, leaving the ministry to deal with policy and research issues
(ii)Shifting the bias of the national health bill from curative to preventive care.
The government has improved the people’s living standards by putting up many community health dispensaries. The improved health care for all will come through providing access to those excluded from health care for financial or other reasons.
The government has set aside funds to cater for HIV/AIDs infected individuals in the society through free supply of ARVs, voluntary counseling for the affected and infected victims. The government has promoted partnerships with the private health sector in improving the quality of the health service delivery to the highest standards.
The government can de-link the ministry of Health from service delivery in order to improve management of the country’s health institutions majorly by devolution of health management to communities and health care experts at the various districts, provinces and the national hospitals.
There is the provision of the robust health infrastructure network country wide, provision of mosquito nets in the areas mostly infested with mosquitoes, door to door spray of mosquitoes, health access or offer education on the draining of stagnant water, availing the anti-malarial drugs at a cheaper price. The government should introduce health birthing courses to mothers who can’t access or offer antenatal and prenatal health service.

Due to the current demographic trends, Kenya will be a predominately urban country by 2030. Kenya will need to plan for decent and high quality urban livelihood for her population. Having in mind the vision 2030 for housing and urbanization is in adequately and decently housed nation in a sustainable environment.
Increase of annual production of housing units is in place. An initiative for high quality urban planning will be undertaken for regional and urban development planning starting with adequate housing for those living in slums, better development of and access to affordable and adequate housing for the rest of the population, enhanced access to adequate finance for developers and buyers and targeted key reforms to unlock the potential of the housing sector through private and public partnerships.

This is aimed at reducing the number of people living in absolute poverty to the smallest possible proportion of the total population. Kenya aims at a society that guarantees equality of opportunity in accessing public services and providing income generating activities as widely as possible which can be achieved by placing by placing the citizens at a level of income sufficient to cater for basic requirement of the of a healthy and productive life. The correctional measures will be introduced to extend such opportunities to regions and communities where they do not exist presently.
Kenya has also set a scheme which aims to expand access across different social and political scopes, including increasing girls and children enrolment that are not capable, especially those in poor rural and slum communities, widening coverage of vital healthcare, equitable distribution of essential services such as water and attaining gender uniformity and fairness in the delivery of justice.

This strives to ensure equity in power and resource distribution between the genders, improved livelihoods for all the vulnerable groups and responsible globally competitive and prosperous youth.
Kenya aims to capitalize on her international reputation as an athletic superpower by opening up the country for top global sport events, encouraged by corporate sponsorships.
The government should encourage the talented people such as the musicians enforcing more strict copyright laws and providing them with the necessities they may require.
Kenya plans to increase opportunities all round among women, youth and all disadvantaged groups by increasing their participation in all economics, social and political decision making processes.

(a) The Electoral and Political Process.
There has been introduction of laws regarding creation and regulation of the political parties. These rules specify:
(i)the ratio of male to female representation in the parties to ensure gender balance.
(ii)the management, legal acquisition and expenditure of party finances.

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