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Benefits of embracing reading culture.


Date Posted: 8/24/2012 8:12:58 AM

Posted By: pkithome  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 67

With the current state of economy its so obvious that for a long time from now onwards many of us will
be forced to live from nose to mouth.
However,this impending situation can be averted if
only the youths who are so much being looked upon for future governance embraces the reading
culture as compared to watching television and listening to music.
According to study,embarcing such a culture will play a critical and great role in the nurturing of
communication skills and widening the youth's scopes of thinking and research.
Lack of enough and extended reading culture in the country works against their foward surge as has
been noted when writing application letters and curriculum vitae or CVs.
Youths as a matter of fact need to have the general knowledge that may be useful in different fields as a
way to generate enough money to run their lives.
For instance,through extensive reading a youth can create a secure mean of wealth creation by offering
private tutorials and also participate in anthology ecetra.
However,reading culture can be as difficult as training an old dog new tricks therefore its high time
parents take a role to encourage and persuade their children to adopt such at a tender age as a platform for them to advance academically

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