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How to cook chapatis, a common holiday dish!


Date Posted: 10/21/2012 2:49:01 PM

Posted By: Razen  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3454

How to cook chapatis, a common world wide dish.

Christmas is just around the corner, and so is the rest of the end year
Celebration holidays. Being at home calls for fun-filled activities, and cooking is absolutely one of them.

Cooking is judged by the taste and the quality of the food you prepare, but a christmas without chapatis doesn't sound like a good christmas.

My question is, can you cook chapatis that leave everyone licking fingers after meals? If you answer is no, sure don't worry. Here's a fully detailed recipe on how it's done.

Chapatis serve more than 6.

1 kg flour
0.25kg cooking fat/oil
1 boiled medium sized sweet potato.
3 tea spoonful sugar
A tingle of salt
Blue band.
Food colorings
Two cups clean warm water.

Required items
A rolling stick and stool.
A medium sized plastic basin.
A frying pan.
A black polythene bag.
A hot pot
A spoon

Put one and a half cups of water in the plastic basin. Crush the sweet potatoes into a paste/powder and add it to the water. Add sugar and stir. Once the mixture is uniform/even, add salt and taste. (the taste to expect here should be sweetness, embedded to a slightly felt saltiness.)

Add flour, slowly by slowly as you stir to for a thick paste.
Add flour as you ponder to form a dough that is not too thick or too loose.

1. Divide the dough into approximate 10 pieces (add or take a few) that are relatively similar in size.
2. Roll them to form a 10 centimeter diameter circle and apply blue band.
3. Rolls the dough, not looking like a circle to form a straight roll that resembles a rod, with the blue band being on the inner surface.
4. Roll the rod again to form a spiral circle. Ensure the tips are well hidden from the edges.
5. Roll the dough using the roller like indicated in step

two, but this time, allow a diameter of more than 15 centimeters. But less than 25. (note: the diameter should not be equal or larger than that of the pan.)

Put the pan on the heat source and allow it to heat to about 150 degrees celcius. Add some cooking fat and place the chapati carefully. Use your hand to rotate it as you check on the underside using a spoon. Turn over if it turns brown and cook the other side. Repeat this until all chapatis are cooked.

Cooking tips:
During cooking, put the already cooked chapatis on the cooking one and rotate all of them in general. This exerts pressure to the cooking chapati hence uniform heat supply.
Cook the edges of the chapatis by placing them at the centre of the pan for some few seconds.
Use flour to reduce the adhesion between the rolling stool and/or stick to the dough.
Do not use too much heat to avoid burning the chapatis.

Place the chapatis in a hot pot and cover them with a black polythene paper to retain the moisture and the softness.
Chapatis left out in open air tend to dry and produce a cracking sound during consumption.
Served with meat stew (beef, fish, chicken, etc), potato stew, peas stew, tea, etc or taken plain.

Can be consumed either hot or cold.
Happy holiday season (christmas, boxing day, new year, madaraka day) and happy new year 2013 in advance.

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