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Learn How to Successfully Acquire a Used Car Without Getting Duped


Date Posted: 11/5/2012 1:02:00 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

Looking for a good used vehicle to purchase can be a daunting task. You have saved enough, the cash is ready yet you don't really have an idea how to go about it. Well, this is a situation that most people find themselves in, eventually getting reaped off of their hard earned money, if they aren't careful enough. You might find these tips useful if you or a friend is planning to get a second-hand ride.

Step 1: Identify what you want

It is crucial that you have at least 2 car models in mind so that when you fail to secure the first deal, you might consider the second option, It saves you the headache of having to start looking all over again. Now you have settled for a particular one, inspect it or have it inspected by a professional in that field, for a small fee. Book a test drive and get your hands behind the wheel. Remember this is your chance to test the braking system, the shift of the gears and the general performance of the vehicle. If you like it, it's time to move to the next phase of your bargaining process.

Step 2: Negotiation stage

Ensure you have done adequate research and you know the current market price of the same car model. You should use the depreciation of the vehicle as your bargaining chip. Also i recommend that you purchase from a dealer rather than a private party since these guys have experience in this field and can get you perfect deals out there. The following guidelines should be helpful at this stage:

-If you don't feel comfortable with a given salesman, do not enter negotiations, it could be your conscience warning you of an impending danger.

-State your opening offer which should be

between the two price extremes.

-Decide before hand what your limit is, leave if it is reached.

-Don't give in to all the marketing hype they tell you e.g extended warranties or car alarm devices e.t.c.

-Leave the deal if you feel tired or hungry since meaningful negotiations are only conducted when the mind is fresh.You don't want to make poor choices.

Step 3: Closing the deal

Make sure the transaction is sealed completely with the relevant documentation in place. In the case of a dealership,go through the finance and insurance process while for the other, make sure the title and registration are transferred accurately.

Review the contract again and look for sudden changes that may appear this time. Correct what is necessary before you have the insurance for the car. Ask for your log book when you are through and hit the streets.

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