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How to write a good article to post on Kenyaplex


Date Posted: 5/12/2013 9:08:49 AM

Posted By: saucer  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 4885

How to write a good article to post on Kenyaplex

There is a possibility to earn online via this site. One way to do so is to post articles on the resources section. After registering your account you can log in and you find the resources link on the top of the page. You can proceed to post a resource on the site.
The many questions many ask themselves when posting articles is how can I earn as much as possible with the articles or why did I earn so little after posting a certain article. The answer may not be that simple but I think I may have an idea on what the reason may be.
There are guidelines which one must follow when posting articles so as to maximize your earnings. In brief they are:
1. Relevance
2. Good length
3. Vocabulary
4. Detailed
5. Not copied
I shall expound on each of the above one by one.
1. The first thing to note is the relevance of your article. Relevance may be in terms of emerging issues or the likelihood that your article may help someone when they read it. Posting an article on how to perform first aid on a child who is choking is more relevant compared to an article on how to chew hot food. So when thinking of writing an article make sure you think of the topic you are going to write on and determine its relevance to the readers.
2. Another issue which the admins insist on is the length of the articles. Short articles are awarded less than relatively longer articles. A good length of an article form what I have learnt after inquiring is that a good article should be at least 500 words. This is the optimum but if you feel like you can go beyond then there is no problem. Aim for your articles to

be around that length to be awarded appropriately.
3. Take note of the vocabulary. Before posting articles make sue that there are no spelling mistakes or errors in writing. These mistakes may cost you when it comes to being awarded. If you want to have an article that has few or no vocabulary mistakes then you before posting you could type it in Microsoft word. That way the application will catch any grammatical errors and you can correct before posting.
4. Make you article as detailed as possible. When it comes to quality high is the best kind. Make your article of high quality by making it chock full of information. Wordy articles tend to dilute the articles content and make it meaningless. You should do your research so that you can have enough content to reach the correct length and to have an article worth reading.
5. Lastly, you should not post articles that have been copied. The consequences of this are that the article will be deleted and you may be banned from participating on the site. To be sure that your article is unique and original you have to write it yourself and then post it. If you want you could run it through a program that check for the authenticity of articles e.g copy scape.

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