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A tea estate manager employs men and women to pick tea leaves in a tea farm. For every two men, three women are employed. Each worker is paid sh 600 per week.

Class: KCPE

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Measurement-money

Lesson Summary

A tea estate manager employs men and women to pick tea leaves in a tea farm. For every two men, three women are employed. Each worker is paid sh 600 per week. How much money altogether were the workers paid in a week that 30 men were employed? 18,000 45,000 27,000 21,000

Text Answer

For every two men we have 3 women

For every one man we have 32 women

For 30 men we have 30 x32= 45 women

Number of workers employed = 30 + 45 = 75

One worker is paid sh 600

75 workers are paid sh 600 x 75 = sh 45,000

The correct answer is B (sh 45,000).

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