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Kenya's progress and development belongs to Kenya.


Date Posted: 4/22/2012 3:28:39 AM

Posted By:  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1949

Its our concern as kenyans to achieve the vision 2030 and millennium development goals 2015 and that's why i can say "Kenya's progress and development belongs to kenya ". I would like to pose a question to all Kenyan citizens as individual " what have you contributed towards the achievement of vision 2030 and millennium development goals?"

Its the responsibility of all Kenyans to build its nation regardless of the race,tribe,political ground,age,gender or status. Every individual has different ways in contribution based on there talents,background,gender,status,professionalism,leadership among other factors, in a nut shell Kenya is a developing country with high potential of development.

Progress in Kenyan development happens best when it is lead by Kenyan state and citizens, through effective leadership,smart policies,proper institutional foundations and international partnerships, which can be applied in areas like agriculture,health care,education,environment and technology among other fields that is deemed to be a spotlight to development of our country.

Looking across all the above we can see the changes since independence from the quality of political and technical leadership,to the quality and quantity of financing to specific innovations through effective leadership,professionalism and new technology. LONG LIVE KENYA

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