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Why we must make the right choices in the coming elections.


Date Posted: 10/31/2012 2:06:07 PM

Posted By: Mrs kihara  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 543

A time has come when we must say enough is enough.It is high time true patriots of our country must stand for what is right and say no to the status quo. This is the right time to ensure tribalism,corruption,a starving population,unemployment and other negative vices become a thing of the past.It is the right time to put the best interests of our country before ours.Time is ripe to have a new start.It is the right time to separate men from boys,women from girls and serious aspirants from jokers.

Dear Kenyans,a time has come to choose new leaders.We cannot afford to leave the destiny of our country in the hands of others.We have to sacrifice for the good of our country.We should not sell the destiny of our country by accepting bribes.It is time to forge ahead.We should not leave no stone unturned in ensuring we move our country forward.This time,we cannot afford to make wrong choices.It is our future and our children's future that is at stake.Among the leaders we will choose,is the president to govern our country.The importance of the presidency(and the president) to the Kenyan national life cannot be underestimated.More than any other institution,it has far reaching effects in shaping the destiny of our country.

The presidency plays a significant role in our day to day life as a country.The presidency is the focal point in not only holding the country together but also in steering and influencing the pace of events in other facets of Kenya's national life.Most Kenyans look up to the president to guide them along the long and sometimes tortuous route towards the creation of stable national institutions.It's true and unfortunate that Kenya's presidency has eventually outgrown the powers designated to it,to become a power unto itself to the extent that parliamentary members keep quiet

over issues they could speak about,correct or vote for.However,a positive development is that the excessive powers in the hands of the occupant of the office of the president is rapidly becoming a thing of the past in the new Kenya.

The office of the president is important in the multiparty era.The president is the pillar of national unity.The presidency is a catalyst in national development.The president is the facilitator of accountability in public life.It is the person of the president more than political parties that will hold the key to our country's fate in the next five years.Fortunately,we have the opportunity to choose our president directly.

Every Kenyan,therefore,must actively seek to influence the choice of the president through his or her vote.I offer these thoughts with the hope that you,the reader and fellow member,can,with an open and critical mind,examine the candidates that have offered themselves for election to this office and make the right choice of the president of our nation.It is our future and our children's future that is at stake.Your vote is very important.Make the right decision and vote wisely.

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