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Benefits of Using Catchy Titles While Writing


Date Posted: 10/9/2012 2:55:39 PM

Posted By: sashoo  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 382

If you are looking for an unmatched audience to your piece of writing, you should master the art of creating catchy titles. Catchy titles are those titles that will easily trigger a click, and consequently, a read. You don’t want to miss out on that. If anything, you want a massive audience to your articles, or your writing will be useless.

This article has outlined unparalleled benefits to using catchy titles in your writing — there is a difference between catchy and ordinary titles. Let’s get aboard.

First things first. Catchy titles will trigger traffic. People are curious to read anything that lies beneath a brain-storming title — the title will trigger them in to action. No one, including you, will be motivated to read content under an ordinary title. Which is why you should endeavor to make someone want to read your article by re-engineering that boring title.

Another benefit is that you’ll stand out among other writers. Don’t you want to create yourself a name? Which is a plus, if you want to be recognized in the online writer-sphere. Besides, if you are writing for money, catchy titles are an edge for clients to comes scrambling for you. Reason? You have what it takes to write titles that will take their businesses the next level.

How about getting unnumbered subscribers to your content? Mostly, this applies if you have a blog. Subscribers can mean a difference between you being influential — they can describe who you really are as far as influence is concerned. For this reason (influence), you’ll be able to set yourself apart from other ordinary writers, an opportunity that will help brand yourself. This means that clients, and money, will be running after you helter-skater. Which is every writer’s dream. Every writer wants to grow, both content-wise and


Now look at this — catchy titles help your articles attain high Google rankings. You, perhaps, are wondering how this works. Well, when content gets a superfluous (large) audience, Google interprets the content to be of high quality (it benefits most people), and will rank it high for more people to find it — after all, it’s only beneficial. What a non-expensive way to get ranked high by Google.

Isn’t that what we want as writers? To get each and every word read, and be ranked higher? Of course, yes. Plus the answer to this is less than a click away from you — let’s use catchy titles.

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