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Give any five factors that have contributed to large scale fishing in the North West Atlantic coast


Give any five factors that have contributed to large scale fishing in the North West Atlantic coast



(a) Broad shallow continental shelf of the North West Atlantic. This provides favorable conditions for the growth of plankton on which fish feed.

(b) The cold Labrador current and the warm gulf stream current meet at the Grand Banks. The convergence of the current results in the modification of water temperatures. The Labrador Current also carries with it ice bergs which contain minerals from the land that encourage the growth of plankton.

(c) The North West Atlantic fishing ground is located in a region that experiences a cool climate. This favours large scale commercial fishing, preservation and storage of fish.

(d) The ruggedness of the landscape in the interior and a short growing season of the region has hampered agricultural activities forcing many people to concentrate on fishing as an alternative activity.

(e) Availability of advanced technology has also contributed to the successful fishing activity in the North West Atlantic region. It has resulted in highly developed shipbuilding and fishing industries. Shipping vessels that are well equipped with modern preservation facilities are available for the effective transportation of fish.
Faimus answered the question on March 26, 2018 at 10:41

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