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Explain the factors at prenatal stage that may make an individual vulnerable to future learning disabilities


Explain the factors at prenatal stage that may make an individual vulnerable to future learning disabilities




1.Hereditary factors; these are the factors which are inherited from the parents through the genes. These may include the height, intelligence, temperament and diseases like sickle cell anemia, diabetes, asthma and haemophilia. Abnormalities caused by faulty chromosomes like albinisms, down syndrome (Mongols), cleft palate cleft lip.
2.Mother’s Age; the most preferred age of giving birth is 25-35 years. Young mothers of age below 20 years are not adequately developed and they may complications during delivery. Their uterus and cervical canals are still undeveloped and this can make to undergo caesarian. The older mothers of over 40 years have high risk of getting premature babies or still birth or babies with low birth weight or those with down syndromes who will consequently have learning disabilities.
3.Maternal emotional status or stress; stress increase blood pressure and heart beat as well as muscle tension in mother’s body. This will reduce the supply of blood to the mother’s brain and consequently decrease the flow of blood to the uterus. Low supply of blood in the uterus will decrease the supply of oxygen for the foetus and can damage the brain of the foetus or even cause death of the foetus.
5.Maternal nutrition; the mother’s diet and nutrition play a significant role in the growth and development of the foetus. Malnutrition and lack of iodine cause mental retardation. Lack of protein in mother’s body causes poor development of the foetus’ nervous system. Lack of adequate iron in the mother’s body may result in foetus’ anaemia as well body weakness and tiredness of the mother.
Problems during delivery; sometimes during delivery, the baby may drop down to sharp objects or hard floor that can damage the brain. Sometimes the labour may delay and this make the foetus to lack oxygen and this can result in brain damage.
6.Environmental hazards; these include exposure to poisons like lead or mercury and dangerous radiation like x-rays or gamma rays. This increase the risks of leukemia during childhood of low birth weight of babies or congenital problems like slow neurological developments or loss of some body organs.
Moraa orina answered the question on August 23, 2018 at 15:42

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