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Describe any five theories of management and explain how they can be used by managers to improve on their organizations


Describe any five theories of management and explain how they can be used by managers to improve on their organizations.



Management according to Mary Parker Follet refers to the art of making things done through people. From the above definition, managers can achieve organizational goals by organizing tasks for others to perform.
The following are the theories of management:

Behavioural management theory
Classical management theory.
Quantitative management theory.
Contemporary management theory.
Scientific management theory.

Behavioural management theory - Recognises the employees of an organization as people or individuals with human needs. Mary Parker Follet,Chester Bernard are among the people who came up with this theories. For example Mary Parker Folllet recognizes the importance of an individual and that no individual could become a whole person except a member of a group. Chester Bernard came up with certain theories or organization behavior, he said that the people come together in formal organizations to achieve things they cannot achieve working alone.
From this theory, managers can use it to organize tasks for all the employees in the organization and that employees have to work together to achieve the organization's goals.

Classical management theory - It finds the best way to accomplish and manage a task. It came up as a result of the need to find the guidelines for managing complex organizations. For example factories. Henry Fayol is referred to as the father of classical organization theory because he was the first one to systemize managerial behaviour. He believed that management wasn't personal talent but a skill like any other hence it can be taught or learned. His model of management approach can be used by managers today by applying the following in their organizations:
Division of labour,Remuneration, equity and discipline.

Quantitative management theory - Focuses on the measurement techniques and concepts relevant to management. It sought to find better ways of solving problems in organizations. For example in military, for managing troops movement and arm production.

Contemporary management theory - Is the recent perspective of management. This are still evolving theories. They include : contingency theory, system theory among others.

Scientific management theory - It was developed in the early days to determine how tasks would be designed to maximize the output per employee. The aims at expending. Productivity by increasing the efficiency of employees. Managers can use the concept of this theory in their organizations to ensure that capabilities of each employee is maximized to increase the output.

Kchris answered the question on November 9, 2018 at 13:42

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