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State six benefits and four limitations of downward communication.


State six benefits and four limitations of downward communication.



Downward communications

(i)Main benefits of downward communication

1. Gives specific direction about the job being entrusted to a subordinate The decision fallen at managerial levels are transmitted to states in the form of directives so an action may be initiated.

2. Explains the policies and organizational procedures A clear understanding of policies given to the lower state, wider perspectives so that they can grasp and relay their role more meaningfully

3. Apprises the subordinates of their performance: If the performance of the subordinates is objectively assessed and the assessment communicated to him in a considerate tone, it will definitely promote efficiency. Appreciation to good work will raise his morale and strengthen his dedication pointing out has shortcomings will enable him to overcome them.

4. Gives information about the rational of the job site To explain to a subordinate the significance of the job assigned to him and why he has been entrusted with it. The importance of the objective of downward communication has only been recognize

5. Enhances objectivity of the organization

6. Encourages efficiency in work performances

(ii)Limitation of downward communication

1. Under - Communication and over communication Downward communication is often made by either under communication or over communication i.e. A superior may either talk too little or too much about a job under communication may also involve incomplete instructions, which will inevitably lead to unsatisfactory performance over communication or talking too much, on the other hand may lead to the leakage of confidential information.

2. Delay: The lines of communication in downward communication being very long transmitting information to the lowest worker in time - consuming process. By the time information reaches him it may have lost much of as significance, or it may have caused damaging delay

3. Loss of information: Unless the communication is fully written, it is not likely to be transmitted downwards in it?s entirely. A part of it is almost contains to be lost.

4. Distortion in long lines of communication, information is not only distorted. Exaggerating making under statements giving unconscious taints to facts are a part of human nature.

5. Built - in resistance

6. Downward communication causes of too much authority flow. The subordinates do not get any opportunity of participating in the decision making process they are expected to receive policy.

marto answered the question on February 5, 2019 at 06:00

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