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State ways of coping with podium panic.


State ways of coping with podium panic.



1) Topic Selection-
If given the chance, select a topic that interests you. It will be easier to
develop your speech because it is about something you know and want to talk about. You will
also be confident therefore reducing the anxiety considerably.
2) Analyzing the Audience.
The more you know the audience, the less frightening it is. An
audience analysis will help you determine what interests them and in turn it will help you relate
the topic to their interests.
3) Preparation.
Preparing your speech thoroughly will help you cope with your anxiety. Gather
as much information as possible about the topic.
4) Practice and rehearse before the actual presentation.
Listen to yourself; be your best critic and
the severest of them all. Practice your speech under conditions that are as similar as possible to
the conditions you will face during your speech. This will help you adjust to the actual speech
setting therefore reducing the anxiety.
5) Prepare Notes
- It is advisable to construct a two column notes. Put your speech notes on the
left hand column and the detailed notes on the right hand column. The speaking notes are a brief
reminder of what you plan to talk about. It guides your presentation. If anxiety becomes too great
and you forget your speaking notes then you can shift to your detailed notes.
6) Tell yourself that the audience understands your fear because they have experienced it and
will forgive your mistakes.
7) Relax and take some deep breath. Tense different parts of the body (e.g. tightly clench and
unclench the fist) then release them.
8) Begin in your comfort zone: check the room, the equipment and lights. Start slowly at the
introduction and end powerfully.
9) Use note cards, they aid memory.
10) Do not rush through the presentation.
11) Establish proper breathing. Breathe evenly through the nose to avoid the dry cotton mouth
sharon kalunda answered the question on February 27, 2019 at 14:08

Next: Discuss the Sources of Podium Panic / Speech Anxiety.
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