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Briefly discuss the term linguistics as a source of information on history and government


In the category of non-written sources of information on history and government is linguistics.
a) Briefly discuss the term linguistics as a source of information on history and government
b) Highlight the role that linguistics plays in history
c) Discuss any four advantages of using linguistics as a source of information on history and government
d) Briefly discuss any four disadvantages of using linguistics as a source of information and history and government



a) Linguistics is the scientific study of language as a part of culture. It can be studied to explain what its form, content, grammar and vocabulary can tell us about the historical experience of the user of the language
b) Linguistics helps in history in the following ways:
i. It is important because of the interrelationship between languages.
ii. People who speak similar languages of the same family may be assumed to be connected or have a close contact at some time in the past.
iii. Variations show how long ago the break in contact occurred.
iv. Careful comparisons indicate migratory patterns, the spread, influence and some concepts in the society.
v. Loan words show neighboring influence, their effects, aspects of culture and borrowed features.
c) The advantages of linguistics are:
i. They show the different ways of life of people in the past.
ii. We know the variations between different communities and their cultural aspects.
iii. It provides knowledge on the ancestral life of people.
iv. It shows the cultural aspects of the people.
d) The disadvantages of linguistics are:
i. The assumptions may not be accurate.
ii. It is time consuming.
iii. Historians may omit some vital information.
iv. Different languages may have similar words with different meanings

Dana05 answered the question on May 5, 2019 at 12:44

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