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Briefly discuss the archaeology as a source of information on history and government...


Archaeology is one of the methods used by historians as a source of information on history and government.
a) Briefly discuss the archaeology as a source of information on history and government
b) Briefly explain the methods used by archaeologists to locate archaeological sites
c) Highlight and briefly explain five advantages of archaeology as a source of information on history and government
d) Name three of the methods used by archaeologists to date fossils



a) Archaeology is the study of material remains from the past human life and culture. This includes fossils, pottery, metal objects, wooden implements, graves, plant and animal remains.
b) Archaeologists use the following methods to locate archaeological sites:
i. Areas where tectonic forces or erosion have occurred exposing surfaces which may give some clues to finding fossils and artifacts
ii. They also use historical research to identify a site.
iii. Sometimes they use vision to find any indication of settlement.
iv. Some historians use their knowledge and experience to locate a potential site.
c) The advantages of archaeology as a source of information on history and government are:
i. It gives detailed information on material culture which others may not have.
ii. It makes history real through seeing and touching of objects.
iii. It earns the country revenue as people come to view remains and sights.
iv. It provides information of a varied nature.
v. It complements other sources of information.
d) Some of the methods used by archaeologists in dating fossils are:
i. Geographical periods.
ii. Stratigraphy dating.
iii. Chemical dating

Dana05 answered the question on May 5, 2019 at 12:46

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