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What are the factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in African communities?


Discuss the factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in African communities.



(i) The belief of a common ancestry.
This promotes a sense of brotherhood among members of the community.

(ii) Rules and regulations.
Rules dictate and govern the roles and duties of all members in the community depending on age, gender and social status.
Breaking of the rules results in punishment.
Elders maintain law and order by settling disputes and reminding members of what is expected of them.

(iii) Observance of taboos.
Taboos guide individuals in moral behaviour and maintain discipline and harmony.

(iv) Political organization.
Power and authority is exercised and shared among clan leaders and elders.
This enhances a peaceful co-existence among community members.

(iv) Communal ownership of property.
Land and other resources are owned communally.
This communal ownership of property promotes a sense of belonging.

(v) Division of labour.
This is done according to age, gender and social status.
It ensures that all members participate in the activities of the community.

(vi) Communal worship.
During worship, all members come together to pray and offer sacrifices.
Common religious beliefs and practices create a sense of oneness especially with the living and the departed.

(vii) Marriage.
It strengthens and fosters closer ties among different families.
Exchange of gifts is a sign of friendship, acceptance and mutual responsibility.

(viii) Leisure activities.
People come together to sing, dance and be entertained.
During leisure activities members discuss matters affecting the community.

(ix) Children.
The birth of children cements relationships, because in some communities, marriage is not complete until the birth of a child.

(x) Rites of passage.
Ceremonies marking birth, naming, and initiation bring families together and create a sense of unity and collective responsibility.


Explain the factors which promoted harmony in traditional African communities .

-Sharing of resources among members of the community, (e.g food and drink)
-Participation in communal activities/ work ( according to sex/ age/ status).
-Participation of individual in social activities which through people together ( e.g. during harvest festivals, communal dances and games)
-Involvement of all members of the community to celebrate the rites of passage/ rituals accompanying them ( e.g. birth, initiation, marriage, death)
-People in the community were governed by rules/ regulations and taboos/ which were strictly observed
-Those who deviated from the norms of the society were punished/ prescribed punishments for the wrong doers/ which discouraged vices ( such as cheating, dishonesty, greed, disobedience).
-Children were educated on the values/ virtues/ their duties/ responsibilities obligations to the community.
-There was continued education for all members of the community on what was expected of them.
-Ancestral land was communally owned/ there were no landless people in the community.
-Extended family system ensured that children / orphans and the widows were taken care of by other members of the extended family.
-Communal way of solving individual/ family problems promoted understanding in the community.
-Division of labour/ the roles of each individual member of the community were defined and adhered to.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 29, 2017 at 06:53

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