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What rituals are performed to mark the birth of the child in the African traditional concept of birth?


Give rituals that are performed to mark the birth of the child in the African traditional concept of birth.



(i) The umbilical cord is cut to separate the baby from the baby.

(ii) The placenta is carefully disposed to guard it against evil and to ensure continued fertility.

(iii) There are ululations to announce the birth and sex of the baby.

(iv) Sacrifices and prayers of thanksgiving are offered to God and the ancestors.

(v) Medicinal herbs or waters are administered to the baby to protect her/ him from "evil eyes".

(vi) Both mother and child are secluded for a certain period of time.

(vii) Both mother and the child are shaved to mark the end of seclusion.

(viii) Feasts and celebrations are held to welcome the baby into the community, to congratulate the parents and express appreciation for God's blessings

(ix) Gifts are given congratulating the parents and welcoming the baby.

(x) The child is given a name to give her/ him identity.

- The cutting of the umbilical cord symbolizes the separation between the mother and the baby to become independent individuals

-The burying of the placenta after birth in a safe place ensures future fertility of the mother

- The coming out of the seclusion of mother/ baby symbolizes the concept of death of ones state of life and resurrection to a fuller state of living.

- The shaving of the mother's/ baby's hair symbolized the start of a new life for both mother and baby

- The cleansing/ blessing of the home where the child is born ensures further procreation and good health.

- The naming of the child is a link to the family/ ancestors
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 29, 2017 at 07:47

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