This therapy is based on the assumption that “we are what we tell our selves we can be, and are guided by what we believe we ought to do”. Unacceptable behaviors are modified by changing negative self-statements a person makes into constructive coping statements. The postulator of the theory is Albert Ellis. Abnormal behavior is caused by faulty or irrational patterns of thinking. If faulty thought processes, can be replaced by irrational ideas about the world maladjustment and abnormal behavior will disappear (Ellis,1962).
Cognitive therapists focus on the beliefs, attitudes, and automatic types of thinking that create and compound their clients’ problems (Beck, 1985; Ellis, 1985).Cognitive therapists aim to directly change maladaptive cognitions to reduce negative feelings, to provide more accurate perceptions of the self and others, and to orient the client toward solving problems. In cognitive restructuring, clients are shown how their interpretations of events can lead to maladaptive responses. They are
then helped to restructure or rethink their situations so that they can generate more adaptive responses.
The three phases of changing behavior patterns include the following:
Cognition preparation in which the client and therapist discover how the client thinks and expresses the problems for which therapy is sought. Skill acquisition and rehearsal which involves learning new self-statements that are constructive while minimizing the use of self-defeating ones (anxiety- eliciting or self-esteem reducing) and Application and practice of new learning in actual situations starting in easy ones and graduating to those more difficult. CBT treatment therefore helps the client to examine and challenge past events that have produced irrational beliefs as well as maladaptive or faulty thinking so as to develop more healthier or accurate ways of thinking and producing more rational beliefs. CBT also aims to teach improved coping skills which enable individuals to develop confidence in their ability to handle any situation, no matter how upsetting it may feel at first.
Cognitive behavior therapy emphasizes changing thought patterns that underlie emotional or behavioral problems. Its goals are to correct distorted thinking and/or to teach improved coping skills. The clients learn to recognize and challenge their own irrational beliefs. The role of the therapist is to help the client to reconstruct his thinking and belief system, encourage the client to engage in behavioral exercises that maximize positive environmental consequences.
Cognitive therapy uses the following approaches: Cognitive reconstruction-the pupil is shown how their interpretations of events lead to maladaptive responses. They are helped to restructure or rethink their situations so that they can generate more adaptive responses. For example, aggressive students are helped to interpret provocations as social problems demanding a solution rather than as threats to their honor. Self instruction therapy-what people say to themselves will determine what they will do. The teacher counselor helps the student to change his/her self instructions so that his/her
behavior will change. Problem solving training- this encourages the student to use the stages of problem solving. This includes preparation, production, testing and evaluation. Self efficacy-this is ones belief that one is capable of executing certain behaviors or reaching certain goals Functional analysis-a systematic study of behavior in which one identifies the stimuli that trigger problem behavior and there enforcers that maintain it. Self regulation-the ability to control ones behavior to meet goals one has set for him/herself.
francis1897 answered the question on March 17, 2023 at 06:48
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