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All about the jigger menace


Date Posted: 9/24/2011 1:19:46 PM

Posted By: Africangal  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1560

Jigger,also commonly referred to as Chigoe Flea is a bug which is affecting people from Asia,South America but Africa mostly. The flea enters on the feet and hands and causes a swelling. It enters into warm blooded animals head first and lays an egg.The abdomen is white with eggs,the black spot is the egg.The swollen area is usually itchy and may turn colour into pinkish or reddish.Jiggers lay eggs in multiples within a very short span.They are dangerous and cause death in 20 out of 200 people living in affected areas.This is how to treat a wound infected by a jigger:

1.Place ice cubes on the itchy area it eases the scratching.
2.Wash the infected area with warm nearly hot soapy water.The water should have a disinfectant.It kills the bug and the eggs
3.Apply a mixture of baking powder with water.
4.Use aloe vera gel to sooth the wound.

*Apply ammonia it stops the itching.
*Use a deodorant stick to stop the itching
There are non-profit-organisations in Kenya like The Ahadi Trust Fund which assist curb the jigger menace in the poverty stricken areas. Another fund known globally is called 'See the difference'.

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