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Learn how to jumpstart a car


Date Posted: 11/14/2012 3:03:18 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

A sudden battery failure, is a driver’s most harrowing nightmare especially when it happens in the middle of nowhere. You don’t want to imagine yourself a victim of an attack along one of those scary highways of Texas in the movies. Your car may be in best shape because you occasionally pay a visit to those state of art garages in town, but this is never a sure guarantee that your ride is immune from unforeseen hiccups.

Battery failure occurrences are most common in chilly weather, or during winter seasons, but can also occur at any time irrespective of seasons. Cold weather tends to put a lot of pressure on the normal battery operation which is why you need to equip yourself with proper equipment and techniques of how to deal with this problem. You can learn how to “jump” the car battery with these few steps, because you just never know when it’s going to happen. We are approaching December holidays and you don’t want to disappoint them-your family.

First, you need a good pair of jumper cables. While they are readily available at your local automotive stores, it is always wise to have a spare set in the trunk. It is a general rule of thumb that every driver should have a set of jumper leads and cables in the car in case of battery failure.

When you want to jump start your car, first ensure that the engine of the other car is turned off as attempting to connect while the engine is running can result into a fatal accident. Park the cars at appropriate distance apart. You don’t want to stretch the cables too tightly. You could either park the cars side by side or front end to front end, of course only the working car is moved.

Although this

is not very necessary, to give the benefit of doubt, you can check the labeling of both batteries, their capacities so that you establish if the working car is able to properly charge your car.

The next part, which is trickiest, involves connecting the cables. Use one cable to connect the ends of the negative or positive terminal of the dead battery. What you are actually doing is connecting negative to negative, positive to positive. Repeat the procedure with other terminal ends of the batteries. Ensure that one cable is connected to the negative points of each battery and the other cable, the positive terminals. Take a quick look to see if cables are properly holding the terminals.

When you finish doing this, run the engine of the working car a couple of minutes, to charge the dead battery. Do this until the dead battery is able to roll over. When the dead car starts running, press the accelerator gently a few times to get the alternator working and power flowing through the engine again. At this point, you can drive the car and the battery continues to charge as long as the car is moving. Never forget to replace it at the soonest chance possible.

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