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Learn how to cheaply and effectively clean your headlights


Date Posted: 11/14/2012 4:21:18 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

Driving, for most of us is fan, but if you are going to do it after sun set, or in a foggy weather condition, I bet you it can be a frustrating experience if your headlamps were cloudy. This is why clean headlights are a priority to people who drive, mostly at night because after dark, visibility is poor.

Clean headlights give you the chance to drive safely without straining because you are able to see clearly, your driving pathway. The problem is, taking care of these headlights sometimes can be a costly affair. But the good news is, you don’t have to invest in expensive headlights to enjoy the driving experience that come with clear visibility at night. With the right information and equipment, you can actually learn how to clean them yourself.

First, why do headlights get cloudy? The answer is simple. Most of these headlights are made of a plastic material called polycarbonate plastic. This material has a tendency to discolor when exposed to UV rays and road debris. After some time, you will notice that they become cloudy.

If you are going to rely on plastic materials for your car headlights, then be sure that even after several months of thorough cleaning, you will have to repeat the process. There are however, effective headlight cleaning equipment out there, which can keep them sparkling for at least one and a half years before re-cleaning.

The task of cleaning a cloudy headlight is simple. You can purchase a chemical cleaning solution or go the wet-sanding way for plastic material. But I would recommend a chemical cleaner if you mind your hands. Note that wet-sanding cleaning can leave your fingers aching due to friction.
If you are going to use sanding material, you can use it together with a liquid polish to get better

results. Columnist Jonathan Welsh of Wall Street Journal recognizes this fact. He says, “when plastic is in really bad shape you may have to wet-sand it with a range of 600 to 1,000-grit sand paper”. Then you polish it afterwards.

The cost of these DIY headlight cleaning kit is about Ksh 800 and can be found at your local automotive store. So don’t worry.

You can also use toothpaste and furniture polish. Whitening toothpaste is particularly the best choice when it comes to cleaning lightly clouded headlamps. All you need to do is apply the paste bit by bit, rub with a cloth and then rinse with clean water. Leave to dry and then apply a furniture polish. You are good to go.

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