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How to be a master at anything


Date Posted: 11/15/2012 12:24:18 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

Mastery, is an art that can be learned. To master is to have control over another or others. Today, everyone has got problems that they wish they could solve. The saddest thing however, is, most people don''t want help, or they are simply the know-it-all type of people.

When it comes to problems, i learned that we got two types of people namely; Fixers and Complainers. Fixers, as the name suggests, are people who will try to fix their problems or at least attempt to do so, while complainers will sit back and complain, often going around and telling people how the world has been unfair to them. They seem to enjoy sympathy so much, i wonder.

I believe this is why we are wrestling with the problem of unemployment today. Majority of the youthful segment of the population have no source of income because they either lack the skills or they are simply not doing anything about it. If you see a job advert that matches your skills and you never get to apply, you are the same as that person who applied for the same position and failed, I always say.

But how do we fix the problem of joblessness? Okay, you''ve set a clear goalpost in mind, how do you get that job you so badly want? In this article, i have put together a couple of things that may be of great help to you. Not only does these few basic steps listed below help you in finding a job, but also will help you in other areas where you want to advance.

First, humbly accept that you want the skill, the skill to do what? The skill to write a winner CV and cover letter. A winner Cv is one that is properly written to target a specific company.

Once the HR sees it, it totally becomes irressistible. If you notice that your Cv never attracts attention, it''s only wise that you put a stop on your job search and shift focus on learning how to write a winner Cv. What good will it bring to you if you applied a thousand job opening and you failed to secure a single interview out of those? It''s a waste of time and money. Learn how to draft a proper Cv or have it done professionally for you.

Practice a lot more. If you learnt graphic design in campus, or IT for that matter, you got to horn your skills.Even if you are not getting paid to do it, it''s vital that you make it a task to practice it and soon you will realize that it has turned into an obsession. There is nothing worse than doing what you don''t like.

Analyze repeatedly. This is where skill building comes into play. If you learn how to break a problem into smaller component parts, for instance, learning to answer why the customer walked out on you(if you are a business person), then you can be careful not to repeat that same mistake. If you are a musician, you may want to learn why that song you produced never turned out to be a hit as you had expected. Analyze, analyze and analyze.

Target your weak points. Which areas are you consistently losing? Identify them and work to combat those areas where you are losing.

Focus. When you focus towards mastering on your skills, chances are you will not relent until you achieve perfection in that area. The devotional mental cycles and the heavy mental computing in your head comes as a result of focusing on a goal, thereby bringing success your way. People like Richard Branson of Virgin Group climbed to pinnacles because they never lost focus.

Start teaching your obsession. If you teach it, you involve your brain a lot because you are able to analyze others'' mistakes, you are able to relate them to you and think to find answers.

Get yourself a supportive environment. Having no support is bad, non-support is worse. If you start on a project and people are discouraging you, chances are you will reach a point where you cannot take it anymore and so you give up. If you seek a like-minded people, you can talk, share ideas and motivate each other and this translates to success.

Get a mentor. If you want to improve on a field you have identified, get a good mentor. You cannot get there by simply testing the waters without having to be guided by an experienced sailor. However, it is vital to learn how to attract the best mentor out there. If you are an up-coming journalist, don''t shoot an email at Julie Gichuru telling her that you are their fan and would want to have them mentor you. It won''t work. There is a way of going round it. Start by being extra-ordinary, proving to be the best and hopefully they might see the talent in you and decide to mentor you.

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