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How to curb exam cheating in Kenya


Date Posted: 11/16/2012 1:40:48 AM

Posted By: Bravo99  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 19

Almost everyone wants to achieve good grades in school or pass his/her exams to graduate from Primary school to High School and even to the university level. To accomplish this, some follow the path less traveled by and take the time to actually learn the material and do the work. But others cheat instead of taking the time to study. Whether you cheat all the time, or, like most students, once in a while, you can stop cheating. Cheating counts as lying and stealing.

The exam cheating can be curbed in various ways,which include.

1. First,the person involved Decide that you want to stop cheating when you're ready. No one except you can force you to stop.Just think about what you will gain by doing your own school work,things like Knowledge, By doing your own work, you are becoming smarter. You are learning the material instead of transcribing it from someone else's paper. Time Management skills,By not setting aside time for studying and homework outside of school, you are crippling yourself for life and you'll fail the class. Respect,you will gain immense respect by not cheating. People will come to you for help instead of you going to them.Therefore when cheating is curbed from its root who is the individual,it will most likely be eliminated at the national level.

2. Secondly,the government should be able to do its part in curbing the cheating.This can also be done in various ways;prevent exams from being leaked out,this can be done by setting up a security system to secure the question paper,police officers and independent supervisors to monitor the papers from the printing company to the schools,also trustworthy teachers should be the only ones allowed to supervise the exams.

3. Thirdly,strict sanctions should be imposed on schools caught manipulating the exams in any way,Lastly any student or

teacher found violating the exam rules should be barred and arrested.

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