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Effective Examination Preparation Skills in Kenya


Date Posted: 11/13/2012 3:28:46 AM

Posted By: kevinmabz  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 397

More often,students in Kenya find it challenging on how to effectively plan and prepare for final examinations,and this has been always the cause of failure.You meet people who failed in examinations,and when you ask them ,they would say the examination was difficult.This is not the exact reason for the failure but rather the lack of preparation.You don't expect to find it easy in the exam room when you don't do adequate preparation,do you?An examination is the evaluation of a learning process and is centered on ascertaining how much knowledge one acquires over a certain period of time of study.It has been a way of determining a person's ability to remember what they have learned through the theoretical(examinations), rather than the pragmatic approach.This has attracted a lot of criticisms from different stakeholders who feel the need to have the pragmatic approach integrated into the Kenyan education system.Their efforts have been made with applause from many sectors which appreciates the need to have talents nurtured by encouraging the use of practical approach to learning.In my opinion,this is a better way of accommodating all groups of learners,those who have the natural intellect for study and those gifted in various fields of applications through talent and skill.However my major concern is how this two systems will be effectively integrated and implemented. After this brief outlook of the Kenyan education system,I now turn to the purpose of this article-effective examination preparation skills.

The purpose of this article is to provide a guideline on how students can effectively prepare for examinations and I am sure it will add impetus on their efforts to succeed.

One of the major secrets to success in examinations is to have an academic target.This is a goal,aim,desired result or objective that one aims to achieving at the end of a certain period.A target

will always keep students focused and will act as an impelling force to success over time.Keeping a set goal as student especially in written form will act as memento every time you look at it, and this will maintain the focus,determination and commitment towards achieving your goal.Goals/target kept based on wishful thinking can easily be forgotten and therefore, written ones are most preferred.After setting up your goal plan on how you would achieve this goal and it may entail doing the following.

One is to pay attention to your subject teacher.Teachers have a vast knowledge when it comes to examinations.They therefore hint and highlight the key areas of study in the course of their teaching and only an attentive listener can read between the lines and use it to their advantage during examinations.Being attentive to your subject teacher begins with your attitude.Developing a positive attitude towards your subject teacher and having interest in the subject would motivate a student to listen to his/her teacher attentively.Be a positive thinker and everything you do will be easy.

Two,for you to effectively prepare for the examinations,make sure you do all your assigned homework.Homework is a form of period evaluation that is geared towards ascertaining how much one has acquired and understood in a lesson/topic;and provides a basis of quick review by students to ensure they grasp the required content.Many students overlook the importance of homework,and therefore end up not personally attending to homework,but rather opt to employ unorthodox ways to ensure they get their homework handed in.This ways may include:copying from friends,giving their elder brothers or sisters to do on their behalf and even obtaining unauthorized materials related to the assignments among others.What students fail to realize is that they are the ones losing,and are not actually enjoying the value of a learning process.Learning is all about doing practice and homework will surely provide you with this important platform.

Three,ensuring full and maximum concentration in the course of your studies is an important incentive.This would entail avoiding distractions as much as possible and having a clearly planned schedule of activities during the course of the day.Concentration keeps your mind sober and focused on one key issue at a time and this would alleviate the pressure that comes with the flurry of activities in a learning environment.

Four,do more revisions.Revision is an important integral in a person's learning process and the approach to it is what matters.Many students do revision and this is a fact,but their approach to revision to my point of view is inappropriate.Many students literally read their notes and call this revision.It is acceptable,yes,but it is reflective of the standard mode of study.Good revision may entail use of study or revision questions,forming small discussion groups,creating your own questions and trying to come up with answers and making constant student-teacher contact in areas that seem to be complex and challenging.To do this,a student will be required to use different resource materials to allow for comparison of key concepts and thus will help in forming profound hypothesis about a particular subject.Revision also expands a student's ability to forecast key exam areas and therefore be in a position to tackle questions in those areas.In addition, the student will familiarize himself or herself with the way examination questions are set,and also how appropriately they are responded to.

Furthermore,small discussion groups play an important role in a student's success in a learning environment.I emphasize small discussion groups of between 5-10 members,because large groups would not be appropriate when it comes to control,discipline and togetherness.A focused group should be driven by the same goals,vision and mission.Group formation is therefore a crucial task to be undertaken by students given the nature of their routine.It should therefore be a voluntary on the part of people joining the group,rather than persons being imposed on the groups by friends.The advantage of discussion groups can only be realized when students recognize the specific areas of weakness and working towards their perfection.Discussion groups bring together people of widespread abilities and they would easily complement their friends in those areas of weakness.It worked for us and many employ this mode more often nowadays,so why not you?

Also one of the key pillars of academic success in examinations is doing frequent review of your work.By review, I mean, you carrying out a formal assessment of your notes or simply put inspect your notes again.Review should be done less than 24 hours after learning and it helps students not to forget easily what they have learned and ultimately prepares them for the next lesson or lecture.I currently take fifteen minutes immediately after class to review my work and refresh my mind on what I have just learned.It works and you can also try it.

Nevertheless ,do not rush in your study.The main focus of learning is to understand.Therefore,you should focus your energy on studying to understand concepts rather than to finish volumes of books.We should be cognizant of the fact that the degree of our understanding of concepts varies from one person to another,and should therefore limit ourselves to our relevant range.That is, we should avoid stretching our minds beyond our limits.In addition, students of high schools and primary should do light studies that allows room for comprehension of ideas and concepts.You should also prepare and condition your mind for study.This calls for self-discipline and sacrifice.Here also a student should know his or her best time for study.Best time of study is that time where one understands best the content without pressure or strain.I recommend early mornings as the best time for study ,that is if you are comfortable with it.

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