Colleges and Universities Offering Diploma in Arabic Language(Arabic Language) in Kenya
- Course Name: Diploma in Arabic Language(Arabic Language)
- Major Subject: Arabic Language
- Course Category: Diploma
- Average Study Duration:
This program is ideal for students who would like to learn both Arabic language and culture.
The language is widely spoken in middle east countries.
It is also used in spreading Islam.
Since majority of the Arab countries do large-scale business,Arabic language can easily be applied in trade.
Arabic language is therefore recommended for traders who make frequent visits to Arab countries.
This program is subdivided into two:
(i)Arabic for special purposes
(ii)Arabic as a foreign language
To qualify for this program,applicants are expected to have the ability to read Arabic styles.
They are also expected to pass eligibility test before they are admitted.
Program duration varies from one college to another
Graduates may work as interpretors,journalists or work with the Aid agencies.
Colleges Offering Diploma in Arabic Language(Arabic Language)
Universities Offering Diploma in Arabic Language(Arabic Language)
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