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Describe the features of Maslow’s motivation theory


Describe the features of Maslow’s motivation theory



- Maslow’s theory classifies human needs and how they are related to each other (hierarchy)
- A person starts at the bottom of the hierarchy and will initially seek to satisfy basic needs example food and shelter
* These can be satisfied through pay
- Once these needs have been satisfied they are no longer a motivator
- The next level which is security and protection (safety needs)
* Job security/safe working environment
- The next level is social/love and belonging needs where most people want to belong to a group
* Working with colleagues who provide support, teamwork communication
- Esteem needs are about being given recognition for a job well done
* A promotion might achieve this
- Self-actualisation is how people realise their potential
* May be measured by the extent of success and/or challenge at work
- If management can identify which level each employee has reached they can decide on suitable rewards

lydiajane74 answered the question on June 1, 2018 at 15:16

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