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Discuss anthropology as a source of information on history and government and what it entails


Anthropology is one of the methods used by historians as a source of information on history and government.
a) Discuss anthropology as a source of information on history and government and what it entails
b) State four advantages of using anthropology as a source of information on history and government
c) State five disadvantages of using anthropology as a source of information on history and government



a. Anthropology is the study of people’s origins, developments, customs and beliefs. They are concern with the social organization in relation to the customs, cultural values, institutions, forms of government, system of marriage, inheritance and religious activities, farming, cattle raising, fishing and technology. The anthropologist description of the values and customs of today help to visualize what culture has been described looked like in the past
b. The advantages of studying anthropology are:
i. Anthropology helps to reveal similarities in the institutions of different communities and possible interaction
ii. Anthropology comprehends other sources of information in gathering historical data
iii. Anthropology gives a deeper understanding of a certain aspect of the culture of a people
iv. Anthropology can identify a particular community with a certain material
c. The disadvantages of studying anthropology are:
i. Anthropology is an expensive method as it involves a lot of travelling
ii. Anthropology is time consuming as it may involve living in a community for a long time
iii. Anthropologists risk losing their own cultures and adapting a foreign culture
iv. People under study might try to act differently when the anthropologist is around hence giving incorrect information
v. The anthropologists may also find it very hard to adapt to the new culture in terms of the food, culture, religion among other factors

Dana05 answered the question on May 5, 2019 at 12:47

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