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Explain how social economic background affects learning


Explain how social economic background affects learning



I. Learners from upper and middle class families benefit immensely from parental encouragement, in particular from guidance that parents are able to offer about careers, courses and educational alternatives.
The socio backgrounds of some learners deprive them of this guidance as parents may have no
experience of higher education or career opportunities.

II. Learners from upper and middle class families have access to books and other materials.
Sometimes, they have access to basic amenities such as electricity, piped water which their counterparts from poor homes may not have. This means they have to involve themselves in these chores sometimes at the expense of school work.

III. Learners from upper and middle class families stay in school longer as their parents can afford the
fees while those from poor families may not always have enough fees.

III. The likely hood of travel and educational visits provides a greater possibility for upper and middle social class learners to further their studies.

V. Learners from upper and middle class families are more likely to pursue higher education than their peers from low class families.
Titany answered the question on January 6, 2022 at 12:05

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