Discuss the social dimensions of natural resource management in the Kenyan context


Discuss the social dimensions of natural resource management in the Kenyan context



Natural Resource Management (NRM) refers to the sustainable utilization of major natural resources, such as land, water, air, minerals, forests, fisheries, and wild flora and fauna.
Various social dimensions have been used to manage natural resources. They include:
1.Prevent soil erosion by planting trees
This means planting trees and vegetation to control soil erosion by water and wind. Vegetation and trees are vital in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.
2.Using renewable energy resources
Alternative sources of energy, or renewable energy resources, are much eco-friendlier. They don’t produce any harmful greenhouse gases that cause damage to the environment.
3.Rain harvesting
One method of water conservation is harvesting rainwater during rainy seasons. This water is then used during dry seasons. This minimizes usage of water directly from water-bodies.
4. Treat industrial waste and sewage
Industrial and human waste must be treated before release to prevent water pollution

5.Practice simple ways to conserve energy at home
These practices may include turning off lights, fans and air-conditioning when you leave the room. You should also unplug electrical appliances you’re not using. These keep on using very small amounts of electricity when they are plugged in.
6.Recycle and Reuse Plastics
Recycling enforces the re-manufacturing of already used materials. This will reduce the number of waste products, thereby reducing overall pollution.
7. Deforestation should be stopped.
8. Resources from the ecosystem should be used efficiently.
9. Hunting and killing of wild animals should be strictly prohibited.
10. Endangered species and wildlife animals should be protected.
11. Environmental Laws should be strictly implemented and followed.
12. Public awareness on biodiversity conservation and its importance should be developed
Other Dimensions include:
1.Demarcating, gazetting, strengthening, expanding, and consolidating conservation areas.
2.Assessing the impact of natural disturbances and the compound effect of anthropogenic stress.
3.Contol of alien, invasive species.
4.Capacity building for biosafety activities formulated on a case-by-case basis in the context of a specific project responding to country-driven national priorities.
5.Identifying processes and categories of activities which have or are likely to have significant adverse impacts on the conservation of biodiversity.
6.Piloting selected activities that are country-driven national priorities and which develop and test methods and tools, such as rapid biological/ecological/social assessment, geographic information systems, and data analysis systems of importance for the conservation of biodiversity.
7.Demonstrating and applying techniques to conserve biodiversity important to agriculture, such as wild relatives of domesticated plants and animals.
8. Supporting capacity building efforts that promote the preservation and maintenance of indigenous and local communities’ knowledge, innovation, and practices relevant to conservation of biological diversity with their prior informed consent and participation.
9. Incorporating components for targeted research important for biological diversity conservation when relevant to project objectives and consistent with national priorities.
10. Including sustainable use awareness components when relevant to project objectives and consistent with national priorities. integrated rural development on a sustainable basis, e.g. range management may need to involve not only livestock, but also agriculture, infrastructure, marketing, wildlife, and tourism
11. Soil conservation and restoration of degraded areas to conserve biodiversity.
12.Natural resources management activities which emphasize integrated resource use with conservation and development, such as use of water resources and its distribution in order to spread out grazing pressure and prevent vegetation deterioration.
Also ensuring that local communities accept and respect the boundaries of conservation units and the limits imposed on biological resource extraction; scaling up and expanding successful community development activities; encouraging the active participation of local communities, NGOs, and other key stakeholders; and incorporating the knowledge of local and indigenous communities.
0724229776 answered the question on May 13, 2022 at 12:59

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