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Why integrated marketing is ideal for your business


Date Posted: 12/19/2012 3:00:44 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

A good marketing strategy may include advertising, direct mail, social media, email marketing - just to name a few. All of these enable you to educate your clients, to let them know what's going on in your business and the products and services you have available for them.

When you resolve to integrate your marketing strategies together, you are essentially making your marketing message stronger out there.

Here's a visual explanation that might help you see how much stronger your marketing efforts gets when you integrate it. Put your hands together so your fingers are pointing up toward the sky. Line up the fingers of both hands - you can spread your fingers apart or you can keep them together-it doesn't matter. Now have someone pull on your arms and you try to keep your hands together. That's exactly what happens to your marketing.

Now, let's assume each of your fingers represent one marketing strategy. So one finger is email, one finger is direct mail, etc. The fact you have all these strategies in place, doesn't make your marketing strong. You may get one new client from each independent strategy.

Now, take your hands in the same way, but this time, lace your fingers tightly together. Fold them over and in between the fingers of the other hand. This time, have someone try to pull your arms apart. It's much easier to keep your hands together this way because you have a stronger base, isn't it?. It's the same with marketing of you integrate it properly.

We can therefore compare marketing with the activity we've just discussed. If you want to be a great marketer, ask yourself the following; If you have email campaigns, do you talk about them in your direct mail? Do you address what you sent in your email or your

direct mail on your social networking sites? Are your ads providing people with enough information about how to connect with you on social networking sites?

If yes, that's how you integrate your marketing. Everything is connected and woven together to make your marketing much stronger.

The reason this makes your marketing effective is you never know when your clients are checking their email. Maybe they only check their mail periodically, not on day to day basis. You might even have customers who aren't interested in social media websites, or it might be that they're interested in only one or two social media sites or they aren't interested in online activity at all.

When you integrate your marketing, it means you now have the chance to mention in your email marketing that you sent them something in the mail. You might even alert people on your social network sites that you just mailed something out so people will be on the lookout for it. This simple strategy will increase your customer base because you are never 100% sure who's looking where for that particular information. It might just win you more prospects at the end of the day.

When you talk about one marketing strategy in another media, you're essentially capturing the attention of your clients and prospects. They will most likely be on the lookout for things coming from you.

For your customers and prospects who check their mail every single day, their emails go to their phone so they don't miss a single one beat. They're constantly on Facebook, Twitter and their other social sites three or four times a day to find out what you are offering them this time. They see your message on all of those media channels. So, you have multiple chances of getting noticed.

That's "integrating your marketing". That is putting all of your marketing efforts in supporting one another, so your marketing strategies, like your laced hands, is stronger.

This coming year, give some strategic thought to your marketing and, if haven't started yet, start implementing strategies to strengthen every system you use in reaching out your customers.

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