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2024 Grade 6 Physical and Health Education Lesson Notes Term 1

Institution: Upper Primary

Course: Physical and Health Education

Content Category: Grade 6 Notes

Posted By: 35824167

Document Type: DOCX

Number of Pages: 29

Price: KES 80
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Download Grade 6 Physical and Health Education Lesson Notes Term 1. This is quality notes with clear diagram to meet the teaching standard of Grade 6 Competence Based Curriculum.
Brief Overview.
Price - 100
Format - DOCX
Level - Grade 6 CBC

Bunch Start
• Also known as the bullet start.
• In this start the knee of the rear leg is opposite the toe of the leading leg.
• The hands are placed shoulder width apart behind the starting line.
Safety instructions
• Use your lane and stick to it
• Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
• Follow teacher’s instructions
• Warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm up activities
1. Running on the spot
? Learning points for running on the spot
? Lift your right arm and left foot at the same time
? Raise your knee
? At the same time, move your right arm and your left arm forward and up
? Switch to the opposite foot quickly
? Start slowly as you increase speed
? Continue the these movements

2. Rabbit hops
? Stand with feet shoulder width apart
? Keep your hands held at the chest
? Take off with both feet and land with both feet.

Cool down activities
1. Slow match
? Stand feet shoulder width apart
? Arms bent at the elbows
? Bing your right elbow forward at the same time as you bring your left knee up.
? Repeat on the opposite side and keep alternating sides until there is rhythm.
? Perform the activity very slowly.

Learning points for the bunch start
On your command, on your marks, Go to the starting line on crouch position.
• Place the legs such that the toes of the rear foot are approximately in line the heel of the front foot.
• Place both feet behind the starting line
• Place the arms straight shoulders width apart with fingers spread behind the line and thumb turned away.
• Keep the head in line with the body, eyes focused ahead down on the lane.
• On the set command, go in ready position with the whole body and raise the hips just above the shoulders.
• On the command go, press hard against the ground for a forward push as you accelerate down the lane.

Drop finish technique
• It is a method of finishing.
• The athlete bends, pushes both arms backwards and steps to the finishing line.
• They touch the tape with chest
a. Approach the finishing line at full speed.
b. Focus ahead.
c. On finishing a step to the finishing line, bend and push both arms backwards and touch the finishing line with your chest first.

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