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In a polling station there were 900 registered voters. During an election 10% of the registered voters did not cast their votes. The rest cast their votes to Ahmed, Babu and Chambuko..

Class: KCPE

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Ratio and proportions

Lesson Summary

In a polling station there were 900 registered voters. During an election 10% of the registered voters did not cast their votes. The rest cast their votes to Ahmed, Babu and Chambuko in the ratio 3:2:1. If 30 votes were spoilt, how many votes did Ahmed get?


Text Answer

Number of registered voters =900

Less 10% who did not cast their votes= 100%-10% =90% of 900

Number of voters who cast their votes =90100×900=810

Number of spoilt votes = 30

Number of remaining votes= 810-30 = 780

Ahmed received36×780=390

The correct answer is D (390).

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