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The disadvantages of illicit brew


Date Posted: 7/13/2012 3:00:00 PM

Posted By: meg soni  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2477

These brews have been proven to be dangerous to a person's health and are made in unsafe methods and also stored in dirty containers.When consumed,they can impair your memory and sight,destroy your liver burn your lips among other major ailments.Several people have died due to this illicit brews and others have gone blind.Apart from damaging your body,these brews destroy your brain and this is devastating especially to persons who are in school.

The million dollar question is,why do our young people take these brews even with the full knowledge of their damage?Majority of the young people taking these brews have been found out to have been initiated into this behavior by their peers.This can be called an identity crisis.As young people grow,they would not want to be identified or belong to a certain group:some of them end up with the wrong crowd(they want to conform with their peers but to do so in a bad way).

Most of the young generation tend to question the issue of why they are being told to do this and not that,take this and not that among other things.This curiosity is at times dangerous as it leads young people into drowning in the deep sea of these illicit brews.Poor family background is one among the major reasons why young people are being driven into illicit drinks and drugs.Most parents are always busy trying to provide for the family and end up not having time to spend with the children.Majority of these parents come to learn about their children's behavior when its rather too late.

The media has always glorified drinking making it look fashionable and cool. Some young people cannot afford the expensive drinks displayed on the screen so they opt for this cheap illicit brews which are relatively on the cheaper side.Our economic situation has also

played a significant role towards the brewing and consumption of these drinks.People who brew these drinks claim to have no other means of earning a living.In the other hand,majority of consumers are young people who are unemployed.Out of boredom and frustration these people end up drinking the brews to pass time but eventually end up killing themselves.

Despite parliament outlawing all forms of illicit brews,their manufacture and consumption still continue to grow.Proper guidance need to be given to all young people.They need to be made aware of the dangers these brews pose to them when consumed.The youth need to know that taking these brews harms our bodies.

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