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Reasons why some students dislike certain subjects in Kenya


Date Posted: 4/12/2013 9:10:31 AM

Posted By: prey  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1405

Reasons why some students dislike particular subjects

Learning is a good thing. It opens so many opportunities. However, some students seem to not like various subjects. This definitely makes these students to fail in these subjects. This makes you wonder, what would make a student hate any subject and yet love the others? The following are the reasons that make some students to dislike certain subjects at school.

1) They do not understand the subject.
Students like to know things. However, what they like the most is to know that they know things. They like to feel clever and intelligent. If they do not excel in a particular subject, this lowers their self-esteem and makes them feel like they are not intelligent.

2) Studying for extra hours.
Students are sometimes forced by their parents to study which they do not understand for some extra hours after the normal learning hours. This is obviously for the own good of these students. However, not all of them see it as an opportunity to excel in their school work. Some students feel like they are being punished because they are being forced to use some of their free time to study instead of using it to have fun and do their own personal things.

3) Not seeing its importance.
All subjects taught at school are very important and can help all those who learn them somehow. However, not all the students see this. Some students think that learning various subjects is just a waste of time because they do not think that these subjects will end up helping them in any way in the future. This makes them to hate these subjects which they consider to be useless to them.

4) The attitude of the teacher.
Some teachers tell their students that the subjects that they are teaching them are not even that important nor

are they interesting. If the teacher hates his or her own subject, then the highest possibility is that even the students will also hate this subject. This is because many students carry the attitude that their teachers have towards the subjects which they teach them.

5) Having a hard time during a subject.
During some subjects, the students have a very hard time. Maybe because they are given a lot of work on this subject, or because they get punished all the time during the lesson, or even because the activities they engage in during the subject are not at all fun and exciting to them. This makes them to hate this subject.

6) Having a dark past with the subject.
Some students might have had a very bad experience in the past that involved the subject. Maybe the teacher who used to teach them the subject when they were young used to treat them very rudely, or maybe even they used to get a lot of work in the subject when they were young which they had to finish. This might have given them a negative attitude towards the subject which they carried with them in every stage of their school life.

7) Peer pressure.
Some students just hate various subjects only because their peers or their friends also say how much they hate these subjects. This is more common among the teenagers because many teenagers are always working hard to fit in and try to avoid being outcasts. Peer pressure can make them to either hate various subjects sincerely from their hearts or to just pretend to hate the subjects in order to please their peers even though they know that they do not hate the subject or even love them very much.

8) Wrong advice from their parents.
Not every parent approves of every subject that is taught in school. For example, some parents tell their children not to learn about computers because they corrupt the minds of those who use them. Some even do not want their children to learn biology because it teaches a lot about sexuality. This makes some students to develop a negative attitude towards these subjects and some even hate such subjects not because they have a good reason to do so, but simply because their parents have poisoned their minds into hating these subjects.

There are so many reasons why some students hate various subjects. So many that they cannot all be written down. Some are reasonable while others might not even make sense. All in all, a student must always know that knowledge is never useless. It is power which will allow the student to have a normal or even an extraordinarily good life. Therefore, before any students hate a subject, they must ask themselves why they hate the one thing that helps them to make a great difference their own lives.

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