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Comparison of the education systems of Kenya and USA.


Date Posted: 12/9/2012 10:47:54 AM

Posted By: vann  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1015

Elementary/basic Education

In both countries, elementary education begins at age 3 while primary education begins at age 6. Elementary or basic education includes both primary and secondary education in both countries. Whereas elementary education is free in both countries, it is compulsory in the USA up to age 16. In Kenya’s is free but not compulsory. However, efforts are being made to enact legislation to make elementary or basic education free.

In the United States, pupils select what they want to learn right from primary level. This is not the case in Kenya where all pupils undertake the same subjects at primary level. The exceptions are those pursuing the British or other systems in private schools.
Whereas Kenya faces a problem of staffing and availability of instructional materials in basic education, this is not the case in the US where classes are smaller and resources availed for education are quite adequate. It then follows that the quality of elementary education in the US is higher.

In Kenya, education is provided by and controlled by central government which issues policy guidelines, registers schools and employs teachers. In America, education is decentralized to the local authorities. The authority consists of boards whose members are elected and is headed by a superintendent. The local boards are agents of the state, created by and responsible for the state for the operation of education within a specified local school district.

In the USA, High schools can usually be sub-classed as general high schools, vocational schools (VoTech schools), magnet schools, and college preparatory high schools (prep schools) and special high schools or alternative high schools. Most high schools are general high schools. These general population schools offer college preparatory classes for advanced students, general education classes for average students, and remedial courses for those who are struggling. In some school districts

exceptionally high-performing students are offered enrollment at a district college preparatory high school. This is not the case in Kenya where although secondary schools are classified into National, Provincial and District, they follow the same syllabus and students sit the same exams at the end of four years. The main difference being the calibre of students admitted and the resources allocated to each category.

Higher education

The United States of America has far more institutions of higher learning then Kenya which gives their students better chances to pursue higher education. The quality of education is also higher than that found in Kenya because Strong funding and research has helped make United States colleges and universities among the world’s most prestigious, making them particularly attractive to international students, professors and researchers in the pursuit of academic excellence. More than 30 of the highest ranked 45 institutions are in the United States (as measured by awards and research output). Public universities, private universities, liberal arts colleges and community colleges all have a significant role in higher education in the United States. Kenya ranks very lowly in the world arena and its graduates have barely made an impact in improving the economy of the country and the lives of its citizens.

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