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Reasons why people keep away from teaching profession in Kenya


Date Posted: 11/27/2012 1:37:04 PM

Posted By: vann  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1015

Some people may not choose teaching as their preferred profession. Some may also move away from teaching after some reasons which may include:

1. Working conditions.
Teaching as a profession is said to be low in status and the conditions of working is sometimes challenging. Teachers are sometimes pressurized by high number of students in a tiny classroom. In developing countries, teaching in hardship areas, slum areas and rural areas does not offer the best of the conditions for teachers.

2. Heavy workload.
Since 2003 when primary education in Kenya was opened free and compulsory for all, the enrolment rate has risen to hit over 80%. This high enrolment rate has generated and strained the educational services offered in the schools. Teachers are therefore faced with the challenge of meeting the needs of each and every student in school. Teaching this high number of students is sometimes not easy and teachers are forced to go extra mile to meet these needs.

3. Shortage of teachers.
Public schools are always full of students in almost all classes. This high number can not be fully satisfied by the low number of teachers. Shortage of teachers in public schools leads to frustration and dissatisfaction among teachers and the frustrated teachers opt to move out of teaching to find other professions.

4. Perceived low status of teaching.
Teaching is perceived as low in status in some areas. In such areas, teaching is not highly regarded even when profession are being prioritized. Teaching is usually mentioned as the last profession for such people. This has made people to move away from teaching and seek other professions that people feel are highly regarded as well paying and satisfying.
These however have all been perceived by some particular groups of people but in real sense, teaching is seen as satisfying for others. Other people also perceive teaching as

the only profession which can be seen as a profession that transmits and instills appropriate values directly to children because learners are always spending more of their time in schools with their teachers.

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