Colleges and Universities Offering Bsc Fashion Design and Textile Technology(Fashion Design and Textile Technology) in Kenya

  • Course Name: Bsc Fashion Design and Textile Technology(Fashion Design and Textile Technology)
  • Major Subject: Fashion Design and Textile Technology
  • Course Category: Degree
  • Average Study Duration: 8 Semesters

Colleges Offering Bsc Fashion Design and Textile Technology(Fashion Design and Textile Technology)

No colleges found offering this course.

Universities Offering Bsc Fashion Design and Textile Technology(Fashion Design and Textile Technology)

  • Kirinyaga university college town campus Kirinyaga university college town campus, Karatina  
    Entry Requirements:

    -Mean grade of C+ (Plus) C (plain) in art design/home science or one science subject(Chemistry, Biology and Physics /one art subject (Geography , History)
    -Pass in KNEC Diploma or equivalent in fashion design with minimum C- at KCSE.

    Course duration

    8 semesters
  • Kirinyaga University Kirinyaga University, Kerugoya  
    Entry requirements
    (i) Mean grade of C+ (Plus) C (plain) in art design/home science or one science subject(Chemistry, Biology and Physics /one art subject (Geography , History)
    (ii) Pass in KNEC Diploma or equivalent in fashion design with minimum C- at KCSE.

    Course duration
    8 Semesters
  • Rongo University Rongo University, Rongo  
    Admission requirements
    KCSE mean C+ with C+ in any two of the
    following Subjects (Mathematics, Biology,
    Chemistry and Physics) or Relevant Diploma
    with Credit.

    Tuition fees
    Ksh. 46,750 per semester

    Mode of study
    Full time

    Course duration
    Eight semesters
  • Kenyatta University Kenyatta University, Nairobi  
  • University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Eldoret Extension Centre University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Eldoret Extension Centre, Eldoret  

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