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Write a summary of memories we lost in Memories we Lost and other stories .


Write a summary of memories we lost in Memories we Lost and other stories .



A mysterious disease persistently strikes the sister to the narrator of the story Memories we lost.The villagers refer to this mysterious disease as the thing.Every time this thing attacks the sister to the narrator, she would come back altered and unrecognizable.Most of the time she would lose her memories and speech.

The narrator recalls and narrates the good time they share and the instances when the thing attacks her sister.The thing wakes her sister up in the middle of the night.Her sister lets out a scream that invites the whole village to come out looking for her after the thing has led her away from home.Men and boys go into the dark to look for her as they chant songs.Women and their babies on the other hand remain home to keep a watchful eye.

The thing attacks the narrator's sister in the middle of their game and makes her hit her head on the wall leaving bloodstain on the old,mad wall.

Then there are those moments when the thing visits her sister even in the middle of activities making her do unbelievable things like the instant when she throws a hot pot of porridge on her sister in the middle of a joke.

Things get worse in November. It attacks her in school.This affects her academic.The narrator,even though younger than her sister,is in a higher grade.The condition disturbs the narrator who fakes sickness to stay at home and wait for her sister so they can be in the same class.They spend good time together.They come up with their own language of communication full of life and understanding.The sister finally convinces the narrator and the narrator resumes schooling.

The mother takes the narrator's sister to sangomas,churches and even gets medication but she becomes unresponsive.The villagers perform rituals to appease the ancestors and also to cure her.

At school,the teacher talks about schizophrenia(a long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought,emotion and behavior,leading to faulty perception,inappropriate actions and feelings,fantasy and delusion.The narrator realizes that this is what her sister has.The two get a way to convince her mother that she is still taking the medication but she already stopped using them.

The narrator overhears her mother and smelly feet talking about taking her sister to Nkusi,a sangoma from a remote village who bakes people,she tells her sister about the plan and they both make a plan of escaping to unknown destination,she sees modern buildings on the way and takes her to a modern hospital and hope comes that she may get better.
marto answered the question on April 27, 2018 at 09:15

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