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(a) Differentiate between archaeology and anthropology (b) Highlight the methods used by archaeologists to locate....


Both anthropology and archaeology are both non-written sources of information on history and government.
a) Differentiate between archaeology and anthropology
b) Highlight the methods used by archaeologists to locate archaeological sites
c) Describe the advantages of studying anthropology as a source of information and history and government



a. Archaeology is the study of material remains from past human life and culture while anthropology is the study of peoples’ origins, development, customs and beliefs
b. Archaeologists use the following methods to locate archaeological sites:
i. Areas where tectonic forces or erosion have occurred exposing surfaces which may give some clues to finding fossils and artifacts
ii. Historical research to identify a site for example through a historical document
iii. Sometimes they use vision to identify any indication of settlement
iv. Some archaeologists use experience and skill to identify any indication of settlement
v. During building and cultivation, farmers and builders may accidentally expose ancient objects and artifacts
c. The disadvantages of studying anthropology are:
i. Anthropology is an expensive method as it involves a lot of travelling
ii. Anthropology is time consuming as it may involve living in a community for a long time
iii. Anthropologists risk losing their own cultures and adapting a foreign culture
iv. People under study might try to act differently when the anthropologist is around hence giving incorrect information
v. The anthropologists may also find it very hard to adapt to the new culture in terms of the food, culture, religion among other factors

Dana05 answered the question on May 5, 2019 at 12:49

Next: Discuss anthropology as a source of information on history and government and what it entails
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