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How to post high quality articles on Kenyaplex


Date Posted: 12/29/2013 10:10:08 PM

Posted By: saucer  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 4885

How to post high quality articles.

There is no clear formula on how to write a high quality article on this site. However, there are guidelines which writers can use to find the criteria in which to write their articles according. The guidelines and rules help the writer know what boundaries he or she can write in and also ensure that the article is not lacking in some element.

When I first started writing and posting on this site, I did not consider many factors. My articles were not that good because they were full of mistakes and were hardly researched; but with time I grew as a thinker and a good writer. This is why I would like to share what I have learnt with new and upcoming writers. Writing is not hard neither is it as easy as some may assume because they are used to writing essays in schools. You need to be determined in your work so as to maintain consistency and have content to write about.

Here are some things to consider:
1) You should carry out extensive research.
2) Kindly check on the spelling and grammar mistakes.
3) Do not plagiarize.
4) Write a detailed article of considerable length.
5) Write as a hobby and for fun.
6) Follow rules and regulations.

The first step to good writing is to carry out extensive research on what you want to write about. You have already come up with a topic and theme of your essay and the task at hand is to find content to give your article the boost it needs to pass the credibility check. Do not rush into writing an article, rather take your time and think intensively about what you want to write about. Brainstorming is a good way to start while jotting down the important points you think of as you continue thinking. Thereafter you

should research more on the topic on any resource you can get, be it the internet or books and magazines. Researching will open up your mind to the topic and you will be able to approach the essay from different points of view. This way you will not lack anything to say as you write on.

Another important thing that writers should look into is the spelling and grammar in their texts. You should strive to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. This is because such mistakes could lead to the downfall of your article. Grammar mistakes led to incomprehensible sentences and if the audience you are writing to does not understand what message you are trying to put across then you have ultimately failed in your quest to educate. Use simple language in your texts and words that people can easily understand. Instead of posting directly on the site use a software program like Microsoft Word to check your spelling and grammar. This will minimize the number of mistakes you make. In addition to that you can do a spell check on free software on the internet in a site like to improve your texts to be better grammatically.

This is the most essential part in posting articles online. Do not plagiarize some one else’s work. It may seem an easier task to copy content form another site and post it on this and pass it as your own, but trust me; it is not. The site does not allow for plagiarized work to be posted on it and the members should remember that each time they want to post something. There is software that can detect plagiarized work when it has been posted again: For example copy scape. Such work is immediately removed and the member doing this can be ejected from the site without notice. So be ware.
Write detailed articles of considerable length. You may find writing articles tedious but that is if only you can not get it to the length it ought to be. A good article should be around 500 words. That is if it well detailed and precise. Do not fill the article with useless phrases that do not make sense so that you can get to the required number of words. To write a well detailed article you need to have some background information on the topic you are writing on. This is where the research you carried out comes in handy. You will have a lot to write about and you will not run out of things to say before you reach the required number of words. If you keep up with this habit of researching before writing you will find that you are a world class writer without stressing so much on the writing.

Follow the rules and regulations set by the site. In the resources section you will notice that there is a link of ‘post a resource’ and below it there is one about the rules of posting articles on the site. If you get the time click on it first before posting and you will get to see the guidelines that you should follow before posting an article. Following the rules and regulations will protect from getting penalized for breaking one and not getting your article posted. The rules will also help you figure out how to write a high quality article.

Lastly, write for fun and as hobby. Do not do it as a chore or focus primarily on earning. If that is what motivates you, you will soon be tired of writing and regret it when you earn less than you expected. Do it for fun and write about topics you are passionate about such that when somebody comment under your resource seeking clarification you will do so whole heartedly and you will help him or her out in life. The purpose of resource is to be informative, educative and creating awareness. So write for fun and things you know much about so that you can help people.
Those are some ways in which you can post high quality articles. I hope this article has been informative and helps you be a better writer. If you need something clarified do not hesitate to ask I will ready and willing to answer any question you may have.

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