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Causes bad breath and how to deal with it


Date Posted: 9/30/2011 1:25:41 PM

Posted By: Miller  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 429

Has someone ever talked close to you and some pungent smell came from his mouth? Its not because he did not brush his teeth, its just that he has bad breath, referred to as halitosis in medical terms.Bad breath is caused by many factors such as:

1. Mouth bacteria. Everybody has a mouth bacteria that feeds on food particles that remain in the mouth,this bacteria produces sulfur, which smells very bad especially when the mouth is shut for long.

2. Food you eat.When you eat some bad smelling foods such as onions or garlic, the smell that is produced from the stomach through the mouth can be very foul.

3. Poor dental hygiene. When you don't take care of your teeth,they decay,and when they decay, they smell, thus bad breath.

4. Smoking and alcoholism also cause bad breath.

Bad breath has no definite treatment, however, one can control it by using chewing gums,mints and mouth wash. Frequent brushing and general care of the teeth is highly recommended.

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