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Why initiation is important in traditional African communities.


Date Posted: 5/21/2012 1:03:48 AM

Posted By: Brenda N  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 728

Initiation was and is still important today and in the traditional African communities in boys from the passage from childhood to adulthood.The shedding of blood onto the ground binds the initiates with the God and the ancestors.

The cutting of foreskin symbolizes separation from childhood.The physical pain which the initiates endures,prepares them for the challenges of life in future.

The gifts given to the initiates by relatives and friends legalizes them to start owning property.The initiates are allowed to marry and start a family.

The living in seclusion by the initiates allows them time to learn the secrets of the community and the importance of corporate living.The initiation period enables the community to identify future leaders.

It leads to the promotion of parents of the initiates to a higher status in society.Initiation promotes the youth to full membership of their communities.

It is a time of giving new names in some African societies.

Initiation ceremonies bring families,relatives and friends together thus helps in strengthening kinship ties.

Initiation ceremonies provide an occasion for offering prayers to God for the well being of the initiates and the prosperity of the whole community.

The initiation rites help in structuring the community through age sets or groups.People of the same group treat each other as brothers and sisters.

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