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How to get rid of dry rough skin and how to choose facial scrubs


Date Posted: 8/17/2012 3:46:27 PM

Posted By: meg soni  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2477

There are certain things that can contribute to a dry rough skin such as sun damage,the natural ageing process and your cleansing regimen.Damage from the skin feel leathery largely due to your body protecting itself by making the epidermis thicker.As you get older,your dead skin cells shed more slowly,and start to build on the upper layer of skin.This buildup leaves your complexion rough and dull.

First and foremost,you need a topical product that will speed up that cell turnover.I recommend a serum or lotion that contains retinol also known as Vitamin A.These are products that are readily available in the market.You need to also start exfoliating your skin at least twice a week,use a gentle scrub for your face as the skin is more sensitive.

You may also need to rethink your basic cleansing regimen.Many bar soaps are very alkaline and strip natural oils from the skin,making it feel rougher.Choose a creamy,non soap cleanser instead.Afterwards,use a moisturizer and of course always apply sunscreen before you leave the house in the morning.Tip:A cheaper alternative for making a scrub is to use maize meal for the face and sea salt or sugar for the body.Just mix the flour into a paste with a little water.

How to choose a scrub

This depends greatly on your skin type and whether you want to use it on your face or body.Do not use harsh scrubs or scrub too often.Avoid crushed nuts that are jagged as they can cause tiny lacerations in the skin,making it vulnerable.While the general rule is to exfoliate twice a week,your skin type is a factor.Oily skin can handle exfoliation sessions up to four times a week,whereas dry or sensitive skin should stick to once or twice a week scrubs.Do exfoliate with natural fruit enzymes.Fruit acids from pumpkin,papaya and pineapple,for example,dissolve dead skins gently yet
effectively.Pump up your scrub by squirting a little lemon juice into it for instant brightening and buffing action.

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