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How street Music bands can be used for better music and earning in Kenya


Date Posted: 11/21/2012 11:24:58 AM

Posted By: Chrisantous  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 194

You pass in a street in any town in Kenya, you will hear some nice music being played. If you are very keen to know where the music is coming from you will realize it is coming from a group of poor men, women and their kids playing various instruments. You are left to wonder how they coordinate each other to come up with those tunes an issue many of our local music producers are struggling with.

If we take these street bands and give them functions or events for them to offer entertainment, i bet it will be an event to remember. it will also be a way of eradicating street families, by creating job opportunities for them which will earn the a living other other than depending on the by passers who contribute for them in the streets.

When Kenya has a working population, it means every one will be able to support him/herself and this is a big boost to our economy. So lets do something about this.

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