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Success and work are intertwined


Date Posted: 11/20/2012 2:53:51 PM

Posted By: Joemakeit  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2907

Nothing good comes on a silver platter. In order to reap,you must sow.For there to be an output,there must be an input.Success is not achieved easily,there must be an effort.For success to be realized,an individual must work.Success and work are intertwined and inseparable.Actually,success is the fruit of work.Working is therefore crucial in our day to day life.
Success is part and parcel of work.Success comes after we work.We must work if we are to become successful. In fact it is written in the holy bible that people who don't work should not eat.It is only in the dictionary where success comes before work.

In order to be successful how should we work?Here are a few tips on how we should work.

1.We should work smart,not hard.It is all about quality,not quantity.A lot of people end up very tired because they concentrate on working hard and not working smart.

2.Work with passion.We must like what we do.Enthusiasm is key while working.It makes us to give our all.Working is crucial if we are to succeed in life.

3.Plan your work.When we plan,things and events happen systematically and not haphazardly.Failing to plan is planning to fail.

4.Work with little or no supervision.Be your own boss and work under little or no supervision.You should also be creative and decisive.

5.Time management.Manage time wisely because time is money.Also,time waits for no man. In this world,there is no room for lazy bones.Those who don't work should not eat.Remember,it is all about working smart and not working hard.We should work while we have the ability to work.While eating a fruit,think about the person who planted the tree!

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