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How to prepare Delicious Matumbo and Ugali


Date Posted: 10/22/2013 3:02:51 AM

Posted By: Kasyowi  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 105


400g (one pound) tripe (matumbo)
500ml (one pint) milk and water
200g (8 oz) onions
25g (1 oz) corn flour
Salt and pepper


1. Wash the tripe thoroughly and cut into neat 2-inch cubes.

2.Blanch and refresh.

3.Cook the tripe in the milk, water and sliced onions.

4.Season and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

5.Mix the cornflour with water and gradually add to the ripe.

6.Stir with wooden spoon and bring to boil.

7.Simmer for five minutes, season accordingly and serve with rice, ugali, mukimo, or chapati.

8. Garnish with small cubes of tomatoes and green pepper before presenting at the table.

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