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How to prepare a meal of fish and celery


Date Posted: 10/23/2013 5:23:49 AM

Posted By: Karjosse  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 615

There are various types of fish ranging from small to the largest type.Examples include tilapia,Nile perch and cut fish. The advantages of fish are various,apart from being having the largest protein quantity,it's meat also cooks fast.

Celery on the other hand is a mixture of potatoes and vegetables such as tomatoes, garlic, parsley and flavors such as turmeric.
Below is the recipe for fish and celery and is only for three people. You can therefore add the ingredients if your family is more than that.


1.Fish fillets.
2.Seven to eight large potatoes.
3.Two large tomatoes.
4.A half a tablespoon Turmeric.
5.One medium sized Garlic.
6.1/2 cup Parsley.
7.Salt to taste.
8.1/2 cup of Cornstarch.
9.Enough cooking oil.


Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium sized pieces.Boil the potatoes in water in which salt and turmeric has been added for about 15 minutes.

Using a board,cut the garlic and tomatoes in pieces.Heat the frying pan with about 3 tablespoonful of oil and then add the garlic.Toss the garlic for about 1 minute and then add the tomatoes.Mix them thoroughly and toss them together for 1 to 2 minutes.

Use the washed board to cut the fish fillets into medium size and diamond in shape.

Place the fillets in a bow, add salt,white pepper to make the fillets tasty and mix them thoroughly with a spoon.

Add some cornstarch to the fillets, mix and leave them for 10 minutes.Use lemon to clean the board used to cut the fish to get rid of the fish smell.

Heat up around 3 tablespoonful of oil in the frying pan and make sure it is hot.

Place the fish fillets in the oiled pan.Turn all sides for the fish to be well cooked.Do this for only 2 minutes.

Add the celery already cooked to the fish fillets and toss them together.

Place the fried fish fillets

and the celery into a plate.Put the boiled potatoes in the oiled pan and toss them for 5 minutes.

Chop the parsley finely.Spread the parsley evenly onto the already boiled and fried potatoes and add salt to taste.

The meal is ready and can be served with rice or ugali.


In a one quarter of the plate,place five to six pieces of fish and celery.The other quarter,place the parsley spread potatoes while the remaining half of the plate, place your preferred starch rich food either ugali or rice.

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