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How to stop biting nails.


Date Posted: 6/19/2012 9:16:12 AM

Posted By: kangwana   Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 34

Nail biting is a common nervous habit in most people which starts at a young age.It involves one chewing their fingernails, cuticles and the skin around the nails.Most people who bite nails don't even realize they are doing it. Nail biting can be caused by a number of the following reasons: Stress, boredom,anxiety, or need for comfort and relaxation.

This habit has several negative effects which include: Fungal infections caused by the transfer of germs from fingernails to the mouth, nail deformation, stomach problems in case one swallows the bitten off fingernails and also nail infections if bacteria and fungi gets into the cracks caused by nail biting.

Here are ways help to you stop nail biting:

1.Keep your fingernails clean, short and well maintained.Well maintained, good looking fingernails will make you think twice before biting into your nails.

2.Polish your nails with a bitter tasting nail polish, the bitter taste will discourage you from biting into your nails if the urge kicks in.

3. Know the reason why you bite your nails.If it's boredom, find an alternative habit like a squeeze ball which you can squeeze if bored, also you can find other things to do with your hands if bored like knitting, writing and cooking.In addition, you can chew gum to keep your mouth busy and restrain from biting on your nails.If you are stressed you should consider talking to someone about it since inhibiting frustrations may lead to far worse habits.Remember to eat calcium rich foods to enhance the repair and growth of your fingernails and be determined and dedicated to stop the habit. Good Luck.

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