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How to set up, record and retrieve a message in a voice mail service


Date Posted: 11/17/2012 7:45:15 AM

Posted By: razen  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3454

?How to set up, record and retrieve a message in a voice mail service.

It's soo annoying to be notified by your voice mail service that you have a message and the only thing you get after calling is some 'hello? Hello?' Recordings.
I think about 90 percent of all Kenyans do not know how to record a voice mail message.

Ok, before that, let me overly discuss what voice mail is.

-a voice mail is a service that answers your calls as per your will. For example, you might decide to switch off your phone in a meeting. But, you want to know who or why anyone tried to contact you. In this case, you use your voice mail service. You can also use voice mail service if you lost your phone, battery drained, you are in a church/court. Etc.

How to set up a voice mail box.
Because am with Safaricom, ill use their service for training purposes only.
To set up voice mail if you are unable to answer a call, you'll need to key in
You'll have set up your voice mail service to answer your calls if you are not capable of.
To cancel or to deactivate it, dial (##61#)

To set up voice mail box when there is no reception or when your phone is off, dial
To cancel/deactivate this voice mail service, just dial ##67#

To set up voice mail box when you are busy, just dial
To cancel or to deactivate this service, just key in ##67#

To retrieve your voice messages, dial 111 for free and follow the voice prompts.

To send a voice recorded short message, just dial 1 followed by the number of the recipient.
Eg. 1 0722100100

To set up your call waiting service such that if two people call you at the same time, one will have to wait, just key in
To cancel/deactivate

this service, dial*#43#

Back to topic, in order to record a voice message to someone, call them. If they are not within reach, you'll be told that they are unavailable. Up to that point, the recipient will be notified that you tried to call, and requested to call you back.
Once you hear a certain tone/beep, just say whatever you want the person to hear.
You can tell them...

Hey mike, it's john. Tell boss am not feeling well and will not come to work tomorrow.
Ill be going to the hospital for treatment.

Sure mike will get this message once he is online, and, probably save you from losing your job.

In conclusion, recording a voice mail message is cheap and the time will be billed like a normal call. You can also record a person answering message whenever you are unable to answer a call. You can say..

Hello, it's me, am in a meeting. Please leave your message and ill sure call you back. Thank you..

Don't be frustrated if a voice mail answers your urgent call, it's better than being told that the subscriber is not within reach..

All the best as you set up, record or retrieve some voice mail messages.

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